
Collecting high-quality in situ SSS (and SST) data from merchant vessels is made possible with the present efforts of:

Alory GaelCNAP LEGOS Toulouse, FranceHead
Bachelier CélineIRD UAR IMAGO Nouméa, New Caledonia
Bourlès BernardIRD UAR IMAGO Brest, France
Cocquempot LucieIfremer Brest, France
Detandt GuillaumeIRD UAR IMAGO Nouméa, New Caledonia
Diverrès DenisIRD UAR IMAGO Brest, France
Jacquin StéphaneIRD UAR IMAGO Le Havre, France
Kestenare ElodieIRD LEGOS Toulouse, France
Kolodziejczyk NicolasCNAP LOPS Brest, France
Reverdin GillesCNRS LOCEAN Paris, France
Reynaud ThierryIfremer LOPS Brest, France
Rousselot PierreIRD UAR IMAGO Brest, France
Sallée Jean-BaptisteCNRS LOCEAN Paris, France
Téchiné PhilippeCNRS LEGOS Toulouse, France
Varillon DavidIRD UAR IMAGO Nouméa, New Caledonia
Vignon DamienIRD UAR IMAGO Nouméa, New Caledonia

The main roles of each contributor and data flow are detailed below.

The SSS Observation Service further acknowledges the help of J. Aucan, B. Buisson, S. Cravatte, N. Daffond, A. DiMattéo, T. Delcroix, L. Foucher, F. Gallois, F. Gaillard, C. Hénin, N. Lefèvre, C. Maes, R. Morrow, J. Y. Panché, L. Petit de la Villéon, the IRD UAR IMAGO structure, as well as the vital support of the ship companies and the generous contribution of officers and crew members onboard commercial (and research) vessels steaming in the global ocean. We particularly acknowledge our collaborators at IPEV, CSIRO, UIB, FOF, GEOMAR, OceanoScientific, Ponant.
