Jamal Khan

Jamal Khan


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DYNOTROP: DYNamics of TROPical Oceans

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Jamal Khan has been with LEGOS as an IRD post-doctoral researcher since September 2023. He holds a PhD from UT3/LEGOS, which he obtained in February 2021, and specializes in coastal hydrodynamics and the risks of marine submersion. Before joining LEGOS, he worked at the University of La Rochelle, within LIENSs, for a year as a post-doctoral researcher, focusing on the archaeology of tide gauge data, and for a year and a half as a research engineer, on the implementation of an open source coastal flood forecasting system. Jamal's current research at LEGOS focuses on Madagascar, dealing with coastal flooding. His aim, as part of an international interdisciplinary project, is to understand the mechanisms of coastal flooding using numerical modeling and remote sensing, which will feed into socio-economic assessments and migration studies.
