Publisher: Direction – Updated on 07/04/2021
Scientific objectives
The team’s objectives are threefold:
- To characterise the chemical fluxes (intensity, associated processes) at the ocean interfaces (continental margins, rivers, submarine groundwater discharge, air/sea interface, hydrothermal vents) which constitute chemical sources and/or sinks for the ocean,
- To constrain the circulation and dynamics of water masses (trajectories, transit time, vertical or horizontal mixing),
- To characterise the internal cycles of chemical elements in the water column. This requires, in particular, the study of dissolved/particle interactions, in relation to physical, chemical and biological processes.
Strategy and tools
Our strategy is based on the use of natural isotopic tracers analysed in samples collected in the ocean, laboratory experiments and modelling work. The tracers used are neodymium isotopes (radiogenic) and rare earths, iron isotopes (stable), radium, actinium and beryllium isotopes (radioactive). This strategy is based on a high expertise (both researchers and engineers), isotopic analyses of these trace elements in seawater and the use of our instrumental platforms.
We carry out studies in the framework of collaborative networks at national and international levels, in particular in connection with the GEOTRACES programme (e.g. PANDORA, GEOVIDE, TONGA, SWINGS campaigns, Mediterranean coastline).
Permanent staff
Firstname LASTNAME | Grade – Employer |
Pieter VAN BEEK | Team Leader Professor – UT3 |
Moustafa BELHADJ SENINI | Engineer Assistant – CNRS |
Mélanie GRENIER | Research Scientist – CNRS |
Catherine JEANDEL | Senior Scientist – CNRS |
Francois LACAN | Senior Scientist – CNRS |
Elena MASFERRER DODAS | Research Engineer – UT3 |
Catherine PRADOUX | Engineer – CNRS |
Marc SOUHAUT | Engineer – CNRS |
Thomas ZAMBARDI | Research Engineer – UT3 |
All team members
Grenier Mélanie
Lacan François
CNRS senior scientist – Deputy director LEGOS
Lagarde Marion
PhD Student
Université Paul Sabatier
Lemaitre Nolwenn
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow
Leon Morgane
PhD student
Masferrer Dodas Elena
GEOTRACES Executive Officer
Pradoux Catherine
Ingénieure d’études CNRS
Van Beek Pieter
Professeur des universités
Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Zambardi Thomas