Publisher: Direction – Updated on 07/06/2021
Research teams :
- DYNamics OF Tropical Oceans – DYNOTROP
Leader: J. Jouanno (Suppl. E. Kestenare) - Cryosphere and Hydrosphere Studies by Space Observations – ECHOS
Leader: E. Berthier (Suppl. S. Biancamaria) - Echanges Côte Large – ECOLA
Leader: Marine Herrmann (Suppl. N. Ayoub) - Energy, Mass and Climate Change – EMC2
Leader: R. Roca (Suppl. B. Meyssignac) - LITTORAL
Responsible: R. Almar (Suppl. P. Marchesiello) - Toulouse Isotopie Marine -TIM
Responsible: P. Van Beek (Suppl. C. Jeandel)
Research and development team:
- Centre for Ocean and Hydrosphere Topographic Studies – CTOH
Head: F. Birol (Suppl. F. Nino)