Publisher: Direction– Updated on 09/04/2021
Current thesis
- Regional climate change projection of the ocean circulation in the Eastern Pacific ocean: Implications for marine ecosystem services
- Regional climate change projection of the ocean circulation in the Eastern Pacific ocean: Implications for marine ecosystem services
- Characterization of the Panama Minimum Oxygen Zone (ZMO) and impacts.
- Improving the understanding of Southeast Asia climate: a regional coupled modelling approach
- Coastal bathymetry and sea state prediction using deep learning: satellite observation and short-term prediction
- Nonlinearities in the atmospheric response to El Niño: Idealisedstatistical and dynamical modelling
- Air-Sea Interactions at Submesoscale, characterization and impact on Western Boundary Current Dynamics
- Study of sea-level variations near West African coasts and design of an early warning system for storm tides for sustainable improvement rice production in Guinea Bissau.
- Study of the causes of surface temperature variations from satellite observations of the energy balance of the climate system: inferences on future variations in surface temperature
- Study of the radium isotopes along GEOTRACES oceanic sections