Publisher: Direction – Updated on 19/03/2021
LEGOS has developed strengthened cooperation with a number of universities and laboratories in the South, with laboratory staff temporarily expatriated. They are represented in the map below:
>>Click on the targets for more details on the cooperations.
>>To contact the different LEGOS representatives abroad click here.
>>For information on the international masters abroad led by LEGOS click here.
The list of universities and laboratories is :
- the Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB), Cotonou, Benin;
- the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa within the framework of the International Laboratory (LMI) ICEMASA;
- the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore in the framework of the LMI CEFIRSE, in India;
- the Scientific and Technical University of Hanoi (USTH) within the framework of the LMI LOTUS, Vietnam;
- the IRD center of Noumea, New Caledonia;
- the IRD center of Cayenne, Guayana;
- Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) within the framework of LMI TAPIOCA, Recife, Brazil;
- the Universidade de Brasilia in the framework of the LMI OCE and TAPIOCA, Brasilia, Brazil;
- Centro de Estudios Avanzado en Zonas Aridas (CEAZA), Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile.